IT Solutions & Telecoms Ltd, The Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 2QQ
07813 333 190 | www.ituk.org | info@ituk.org
An Exchange mailbox keeps you connected wherever you go, thanks to a whopping 50GB capacity, mobile device support and full Outlook Web Access (via any device with internet access, which looks and feels like Outlook but online). Enterprise level spam filtering and virus scanning (using optional “Advanced Security”) making Exchange the most comprehensive email solution available. Hosted Exchange with Outlook provides you with a rich email interface, full forwarding and autoresponder features, along with individual and shared calendars, contact lists, and task lists.
All your mail folders, contacts and calendars on all your devices – send, receive, delete, store an email from one device and it will be the same on all devices.
Share calendars, contacts and tasks.
Forwarding and Autoreply settings from within Outlook or Webmail that you can control.
No backup necessary – the off-site exchange server will store and backup your emails (if you add your email account to another PC/Laptop/Device or replace a device – once the account has been re-setup all of your data will re-appear).
Undelete option – you can retrieve data that has been deleted up to 30 days ago.
We also offer web hosting and Microsoft Office 365 Business licencing - with or without Microsoft Exchange services.